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Showing posts with label massage therapy. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a form of therapy that a licenced massage therapist or physiotherapist does massage of painful muscles or the body to improve blood circulation in a patient.

Besides being able to help relieve sore muscles, massaging a body needs a massage therapist who know what are the risks, if there are any side effects and how it supplements conventional medicine for stress and improving blood flow in the body.

Types of Massage Therapy include:



3.back massage, stone,

4.deep tissue,




Risks with  massage therapy  can be avoided if you take the proper precautions.

The best thing to do will be to consult with your doctor to see if it is safe for you to see a masseuse.

Patients who have the following conditions should not undergo massage therapy. These include 1.deep vein thrombosis that happens to be a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the legs,

2.bleeding disorder or taking blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin,

3.damaged blood vessels

4.weakened bones from osteoporosis,

5. recent fracture,


7.fever, injury,

9.damaged nerves, infection or acute inflammation.

Certain conditions could also be dangerous if you decide to have a massage. These include 1.pregnancy,


3.fragile skin,

4. dermatomyositis

5.heart problems,

Side effects associated with massage therapy include:

1.temporary pain or discomfort,



4.sensitivity or allergy to massage oils.

Massage therapy should not be used a substitute for regular medical care.

If your doctor tells you that you can see a massage therapist, do some research about the person.

You should check on their credentials or licenses, years of experience and training.

If you need massage therapy to help cure medical condition, find out beforehand if they have specialized training in this field.

It would not hurt to also ask if they use other practices aside from massage therapy to help their patients.

Some examples of these include the use of herbs and requiring the patient to go on a special diet.

Some people may even ask for a free ten minute test to see how well they perform.

The best part about massage therapy is that it can provide relief without the need to ingest pain killing drugs and knowing some facts about it is good so you know what you are getting yourself into once you visit the place.

As long as there is no dangers or side effects, going for a session of massage therapy by a licenced massage therapist to relieve some stress or pain may be beneficial for your health

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