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Showing posts with label Vulvitis. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Simple Guide to Vulvitis

A Simple Guide to Vulvitis

What is Vulvitis?

Vulvitis is an acute inflammation of the vulva in females.

What are the causes of Vulvitis?

Vulvitis is usually caused by the following:


1.sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea,trichomonas and chlamydia.

2.Fungal infection such as candidiasis

3.Herpes simplex in recurrent cases

4.Pediculosis pubis or lice

5.pinworm infection in children

6.Urinary infection such as cystitis






Chemical irritants:

1.vaginal douche

2.detergents used to wash underwear

Mechanical irritants:

1.ill fitting underwear

2.inadequate sexual lubrication


Atrophic vulvovaginitis after menopausal with dryness and inflammation of the vulval and vaginal lining

Generalised disorders:

Dermatological disorders such as lichen simplex

What are the symptoms and signs of Vulvitis?

Persons who has Acute Vulvitis has the following

1.vulval irritation and itch

2.discharge from vagina

3.painful or frequency of urination

4.excoriation of the inner lining of vulva


1.discharge can be seen in female vagina

2.redness and inflammation of the vulva

How do you diagnose Vulvitis?

Diagnosis can usually be made by :

1.History of vulval itch associated frequency of urination, painful urination or discharge from vagina

2.Vulva shows inflammation, excoriation of lining,

3.Vulval and vaginal swab to culture for bacteria and sexually transmitted organisms and the antibiotic most appropriate for it.

4. biopsy of the suspicious vulval lesions to exclude other causes of vulval problem such as tumor

What is the treatment of Vulvitis?

1.Approprate Antibiotics, antifungal for infections especially after urine bacterial culture

2.Antihistamine medicine for itch

3.Topical oestrogen cream for postmenopausal atrophic vulvovaginitis

4.Proper hygience after urination, sexual intercourse and bathing

5.Avoid strong soaps

6.Use of lubricants during sexual intercourse

7.Weight reduction if obese

8.Treat underlying condition such as diabetes,allergic dermatitis,other skin

What is the prognosis of Vulvitis?

Prognosis is usually good with medication.

Sexual partner may need to be treated.

Recurrence is quite common.

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