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Showing posts with label Vitamin B2 Deficiency. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - VITAMIN B2 DEFICIENCY

DOC I HAVE Vitamin B2 Deficiency

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) Deficiency is a medical condition caused by the deficiency of the human body of Vitamin B2 as a result of inadequate dietary intake or impaired absorption.

Vitamin B2 is present in all living human tissues as an important anti-oxidant and enzymes in food metabolism

Functions of Vitamin B2:
1.It is necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus

2.It has a role to play in the release of ACTH from the pituitary gland.

3.It share the function with Vitamin A in visual processes.

Vitamin B2 is found primarily in
1.animal sources - liver, milk, egg yolks
2.vegetable sources: Vitamin B2 is found in fresh green and yellow vegetables, cereals

It is rare as a isolated Vitamin B2 deficiency.

Optimal requirements of Vitamin B2 are:
1.adults and children above puberty: 1 mg to 3 mg daily
Pregnant mother and elderly may need double the amount.
2.Infants and children before puberty: 0.5 mg to 1 mg daily

Vitamin B2 Deficiency occurs
1.when there is Vitamin B2 deficiencies due to - starvation,lactating mothers should take more Vitamin B2
b.malabsorption as in celiac syndrome, sprue or hepatitic cirrhosis

2.Severity of Vitamin B2 deficiency is inversely related to age.
It is more common in elderly people.

1.Vitamin B2 Deficiency is a silent disease in the early stages.
People with Vitamin B2 Deficiency often do not know that they have the condition.

2.angular stomatitis



5.seborrheic dermatitis

6.corneal lesions

7.In pregnant women, deficiciency of Vitamin B2 can lead to fetal deformities such as shortened bones and deformed growth.

1.Blood Vitamin B2 levels are low

The goal of Vitamin B2 Deficiency treatment is the prevention of peripheral neuropathy and heart failure.

Therefore, prevention of Vitamin B2 Deficiency is as important as treatment. Vitamin B2 Deficiency treatment and prevention measures are:

Vitamin B2 supplements
1.Vitamin B2 is given at 5 mg per day orally until the response is adequate.

Side effects are:
1.Vitamin B2 does not give side effects because being water soluble it is excreted easily in the urine if large doses are ingested

1.good response to treatment in Vitamin B2 deficiency in early stages.

2.treat underlying cause such as malabsorption to get a good response in the treatment of Vitamin B2 Deficiency.

take more liver, egg yolks, cereals and fresh green vegetables.

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