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Showing posts with label Raynaud's Disease. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Simple guide to Raynaud's Disease

A Simple Guide to Raynaud's Disease

What is Raynaud's Disease?

Raynaud's Disease is a transient vasospasm of small arteries of the hand precipitated by cold.
There is typical whiteness and blueness of fingers.

Causes are:
1.classically cold precipitated, more common in winter
2.Emotional factors such as fear and anxiety

It may secondary to other conditions such as: immune disease such as SLE
2.arterial compression syndrome from cervical ribs
4.pulmonary hypertension
5.medicines such as ergotamine
6.vinyl chloride exposure
7.low immune patients such as cancer

It occurs more commonly in women and usually rare in men

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Raynaud's Disease?

Symptoms start off with:
cold extremities with at least 2 of the following changes for diagnosis:
1.blanching and numbness of fingers spreading up to the rest of hand
2.blanching and whiteness of fingers then blue mottling followed by red as circulation returns
3.pain during color changes common shiny or wax like
5.feet may be involved, also nose and tongue
6.gangrene of finger tips

How to diagnose Raynaud's Disease?
1.Symptoms and signs as above capillary microscopy
3.hand films may show terminal tuft atrophy in vinyl chloride exposure

What are the complications of Raynaud's Disease?

The complications are:
gangrene of the fingers

What is the Treatment of Raynaud's Disease?

1.Avoid of cold temperature
2.Avoid emotional upset and stress
3.Keep body and environment warm
4.treat underlying cause
5.calcium channel blockers
  methyl dopa

What is the Prevention for Raynaud's Disease?

Avoiding cold temperature and stress

Prognosis of Raynaud's Disease

depends on cause and response to therapy

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